City of Sarasota, FL
The City's Bayfront is considered to be an underutilized recreational destination of parks and cultural amenities located directly on the waterfront. The City of Sarasota has seen a significant growth in residential and commercial development around Downtown. However, the relatively high-speed, pedestrian-unfriendly character of US 41 separating the Downtown and the Bayfront has remained unchanged. Progressive strategies and improvement projects to improve accessibility for non-motorized travel were being developed. The improvement projects were coordinated through a significant public involvement effort to facilitate the engineering and design tasks of the project.
"You (Jason Collins) have a masterful way of controlling what can be an emotionally charged audience, and then directing the stakeholders toward a constructive discussion using technical justification... and we would definitely recommend you to other potential clients."
Steven Stancel, AICP - Chief Planner | City of Sarasota, Florida