City of Sarasota

Truck Route Study


City of Sarasota, FL


Land use changes within the City of Sarasota have resulted in the change of traffic patterns, which includes changing truck traffic patterns. The objective of this Truck Route Study is to review and evaluate the adopted truck routes within the City limits, and to provide recommended updates and modifications. This effort includes a review of the existing arterial roadway network, roundabout locations, and primary destinations to determine predominant truck routes. A review of the Florida DOT Freight Mobility Plan for compatibility was also undertaken. The City’s ordinance for consistency with State law and enforceability was reviewed. Changes to local policy on how to better enforce the truck ordinance were also part of the recommendations.

Public involvement includes two public meetings and conducting one public hearing, in addition to staff coordination meetings throughout the duration of the project. The report summarizes the findings of the evaluation with proposed recommendations. These recommendations identify proposed new truck routes and new policy considerations.


  • Modifications to the existing ordinance
  • Create designated truck routes
  • Develop City policy modifications
  • Suggestions for improved enforcement
  • Review of state law and enforceability
  • Development of GIS maps
  • Public involvement